(Sample Fall Retreat Theme) Belong & Believe: Jesus and authentic community.
[Here’s a sample Fall Retreat theme to show how you can weave Body Life Witness into the DNA of your movement.]
Talk 1: The Family of God
Objective: Introduce the concept of Body Life Witness by exploring the idea of the Christian community as a family that embodies the gospel.
Key Points:
Defining Body Life Witness: Explain how non-Christians encounter the gospel through the communal life of Christians.
Biblical Foundation: Discuss the formation of God’s family from Israel to the Church.
Discussion: How has your family shaped you? What does it mean to be part of God’s family?
Takeaway: Salvation is not just “me and Jesus,” but “we and Jesus.” Encourage students to see their faith as a communal experience.
Application: Reflect on how your personal story connects with the larger story of God’s family.
Talk 2: Confession and Authenticity
Objective: Encourage students to embrace authenticity and confession as essential aspects of Christian witness.
Key Points:
Confession Defined: Humbly acknowledging sin and brokenness, both to God and to others.
Biblical Example: Explore the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14).
Discussion: What comes to mind when you think of confession? How can our community foster a culture of honesty and humility?
Workshop: Guide students in writing their own micro-testimonies of confession.
Takeaway: Authentic confession not only deepens our relationship with God but also serves as a powerful witness to others.
Application: Share personal stories of confession and reflect on how this practice can strengthen the Christian community.
Talk 3: Welcoming and Inviting
Objective: Explore the power of welcoming and inviting others into the Christian community as a form of witness.
Key Points:
The Power of Welcome: Discuss biblical examples like the Prodigal Son, Zacchaeus, and the sinful woman who anointed Jesus’ feet.
Imaginative Prayer: Lead students through an imaginative prayer exercise to help them internalize the themes of welcome and forgiveness.
Discussion: How do we create a welcoming environment? What makes an invitation compelling?
Workshop: Brainstorm ways to make your campus ministry more inviting to outsiders.
Takeaway: A genuine welcome can be transformative, showing the love of Christ in a tangible way.
Application: Identify specific people to invite into your community and plan how to extend that invitation.
Talk 4: Closing the Distance
Objective: Challenge students to take intentional steps to “close the distance” between themselves and those who don’t know Jesus.
Key Points:
Jesus’ Example: Discuss how Jesus “closed the distance” by engaging with marginalized people, like tax collectors and sinners.
Grace and Truth: Explore how Jesus balanced grace and truth in His interactions, and how we can do the same.
Discussion: Reflect on how our communities can embody both grace and truth in our relationships with outsiders.
Workshop: Brainstorm practical ways to “close the distance” on campus.
Takeaway: Closing the distance is about bringing the gospel to those who might never come to us, just as Jesus did.
Application: Commit to a specific action that will help you close the distance with someone in your life.
Each talk builds on the previous one, guiding students from understanding the communal aspect of their faith to actively engaging in practices that embody that faith to the outside world.